How PDF Flipbook Makers Can Ease Your Business Pains - Cellchaos
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How PDF Flipbook Makers Can Ease Your Business Pains

PDF flipbook makers have the potential to improve your online marketing efforts, reinvigorate your content marketing strategy and boost your income. Every business faces travails and woes, especially in the formative years. The internet presents businesses with excellent opportunities that are unrivaled in the history of commerce, but the transfer from offline marketing to online engagement presents its own challenges. The way forward for modern businesses is SEO and content marketing. Competition is rife and many firms struggle to attract traffic or engage an audience. It’s a double-edged sword. If you don’t produce high-quality content, readers will not interact with your brand or purchase your products. But even businesses that invest in premium content can struggle to gain visibility in search results. PDF flipbook makers provide a solution. With high-quality graphics and the possibility of integrating multimedia files, digital catalog makers allow marketers to produce visually stunning content that immediately captures the eye of internet users.

pdf flipbook makers
Example credit: Anyflip

What can pdf flipbook makers do for your business?

The benefits of a pdf flipbook maker vary from one business to the next. It all depends on your business goals and your current marketing processes. In the introduction, I touched on the capacity for pdf flipbook makers to attract the eyes of readers.

The ability to draw in readers is the very basic benefit businesses can expect from digital catalogs. The onus is still on marketers to create high-quality content flipbooks deserve, and here are a few reasons why pdf flipbook makers can help you improve your content marketing strategy.

Flipbook software cuts costs

Content marketing is not cheap – not if you do it properly and invest in high-quality content anyway. The chances are that if you do invest a small amount in a content marketing strategy, you will only get small returns – if any at all. When you pay low prices, you inevitably get low quality.

If you conduct offline marketing and invest in printed publications, switching to pdf flipbooks will save you substantial costs. You then have the option to invest in better quality content, more of which I will discuss in a moment.

Printing prices are not cheap. Nor are the shipping costs to distribute your magazines, catalogs, brochures, or whatever other marketing material you publish. PDF flipbooks are far less expensive to make and distribute.

For a small monthly fee of around £25, online businesses can produce digital catalogs and distribute them anywhere in the world with no shipping costs to pay. This gives you the potential to broaden your audience and stock an unlimited supply of digital marketing publications to use whenever you need them.

Furthermore, flipbooks can be updated and edited whenever you like so if it is pertinent, you can reuse some of the content without having to pay additional fees to replace existing content.

Flipbooks also give you the opportunity to boost your income from other companies. If you publish a branded magazine, take advantage of selling advertising space to publish third-party adverts.

Diversify content

To improve your online marketing strategy it is a good idea to diversify your content. By doing so, you can tell your brand story in a compelling way that engages readers.

You also need to consider the type of device consumers are using and create appropriate content. For example, a smartphone user with a five-inch screen is more likely to watch a video or listen to a podcast than read a 2000-word article.

If you limit publishing content on your blog, a mobile user may only land on the 2000-word article page. They cannot engage with that on a 5-inch screen so leave. You can publish a video on your homepage, but if the portal to your website the smartphone users cones through is the article page, they will probably leave without ever knowing about the video.

A flipbook resolves this, as people are more inclined to flick through the content to see what takes their interest. A video is an instant draw for a smartphone user in which case you still get to promote your products, services, and brand awareness.

pdf flipbooks are responsive with multiple devices

Attract more customers

As mentioned above, the visual elements of pdf flipbooks are instantly eye-catching and draw in readers. Once you have them on the page, your high-quality content and diversity of content will keep them there.

Diversifying your content enables you to tell your brand story in various ways and engage your audience with different aspects of your company. This gives marketers a broader scope of guiding readers to your website to purchase your products.

For example, a piece of marketing content may evoke an emotional response in one customer because that particular product fulfills their need, whereas the person sat next to them has no interest.

Yet when they flip over the page and see something that does appeal to them, you don’t miss out on a second sale.

Flipbooks are also highly shareable. Call it an ego thing, but social media users typically share content that portrays an image of how they want other people to see them.

For example, a social media user that wants to appear intelligent will post content published in the Economist or Private Eye. People that want to be associated with quality will share a flipbook.  An attractive flipbook with amazing content is something that strokes a lot of egos.

You can also distribute digital catalogs via email and embed the publication on your website thus further increasing your online visibility and the chance of people sharing your content.


If you are struggling to make an impression online because you are not capturing a big enough audience, pdf flipbooks provide a solution.

Furthermore, because pdf flipbook makers are under-utilized by marketers in the online space at present, you have the opportunity to get ahead of your competitors and corner a good share of the market.

Not only that, but pdf flipbooks are easy to use, come at an affordable price, and are created by simply converting a simple pdf file.

Joe Boyd

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